
Accessing Your UC Berkeley Electronic Form DS-2019

The U.S. Department of State and Department of Homeland Security now allow the J-1 and J-2 Certificate of Eligibility for Exchange Visitors (Form DS-2019) to be digitally signed and transmitted electronically. After a DS-2019 has been processed, the Berkeley International Office will utilize DocuSign to digitally sign and send the Form(s) DS-2019 to J-1 scholars.

Please note that this process is specific to J-1 scholars. UC Berkeley J-1 or F-1 international students inquiring about their DS-2019/I-20 should contact or visit the international student website.

Helpful Hints

  1. If the link in your DocuSign email has expired, click "Send New Link" to renew your access.
  2. DocuSign does not provide permanent storage for your documents, save your documents to your personal device as soon as you access them.
  3. Review, print, and manually sign (with an ink pen) the bottom of page one as soon as you are able. You can sign the form for any J-2 children under the age of 16.
  4. The electronic version of your DS-2019 may not be used for any immigration purpose, such as applying for a visa stamp or entering the US so you must print the document accessed through DocuSign.

More information on accessing your documents via DocuSign, please visit the DocuSign website

Requesting a Paper Version of Your Form DS-2019

If you cannot receive the electronic version of your documents, or you cannot print them, please notify both your UC Berkeley Department and also Berkeley International Office at to explain your situation.