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Special Instructions for BIO e-Form processing for L&S Undergraduates
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The following BIO request forms are currently online eForms:
- Reduced Course Load - Academic Difficulty
- Reduced Course Load - Final Term
- Optional Practical Training (OPT)
Other BIO request forms (for example, CPT and Program Extension request forms) remain PDFs at this time, but we will transition them to online forms on a rolling basis.
The online request forms allow international students and their academic advisors to submit requests related to the student’s visa status through a secure online platform accessed via users’ CalNet credentials. The process is:
The international student initiates the request and provides the email address of the academic advisor to whom the request should be routed.
The academic advisor receives an email notifying them of the student’s request and a link to follow to review the request. A reminder email is sent to the academic advisor after 3 days if the request has not yet been processed.
The academic advisor accepts or rejects the request.
The student receives an email notification of the academic advisor’s decision.
Requests that have been approved by the academic advisor are routed to Berkeley International Office to be processed.
Special Instructions for BIO e-Form processing for L&S Undergraduates
Special instructions apply to the processing of BIO e-forms for L&S undergraduate students that involve confirming that the student is on track for graduation in the current term -- currently, Reduced Course Load - Final Term and Optional Practical Training (OPT).
L&S College Advising has provided the following instructions for L&S undergraduate students for these BIO e-forms:
- Make an appointment with your Major Advisor. They will confirm that you are on track to complete all major requirements. If you are, the major advisor will either prepare a memo verifying that information or add a note into the BOA online advising system.
- Complete the BIO e-form using the email If you do not complete Step 1 first, your request will be denied by L&S.
BIO e-forms sent to are reviewed by L&S College Advising staff. The L&S College Advising staff will check for a memo confirming completion of major requirements, verify completion of college requirements, and then approve the BIO e-form.
L&S Major Advisors: if a student mistakenly sends you a BIO e-form for Reduced Course Load - Final Term or Optional Practical Training (OPT), you can forward the e-form notification email to and make a note in BOA regarding the students' completion of major requirements.
Step-by-step instructions
Advisor email notification
When an international student submits a BIO eform, the below email notification will be sent to the academic advisor indicated by the student within the eform. Note: It may take up to 5 minutes between the student’s submission of the eForm and the email notification being sent to the academic advisor.
CalNet login into the e-form
Upon clicking the link in the academic advisor email notification, you will be prompted to log in via CalNet if you are not already logged in. If you are already logged in, you will skip this step.
E-form view
Review the details of the student’s request on this page.
Accepting or rejecting
Answer the questions as appropriate and submit your response.
Student is notified of the acceptance or rejection
Acceptance notification email to student
- Rejection notification email to student
Frequently asked questions
Where can students access the new eForms?
As eForms are introduced, BIO will replaces links to the prior PDF forms with links to the online eForms. The BIO Student Request Forms webpage contains all request forms (both PDF and eForms). BIO's content pages (e.g. Full-Time Enrollment Requirements and Reduced Course Load (RCL) Authorization) will replace links to the PDF form with links to the eForm when the eForm is released.
What should I do if a student sent a BIO eForm to me, but I am not the correct person to review it?
If you know who the correct person is, you can forward the email notification to the correct person. The online system will record the CalNet identity of the actual signer of the eform.
If you do not know who the correct person is, please reject the eform and provide the student a clear reason, such as “I am not the correct person to review this request. Please send your request to your academic advisor.” This will allow the student to initiate a new request and send it to the correct person.
What if I need further information from the student before I can accept or reject their request?
BIO advises students to meet with their academic advisor to discuss their situation before initiating an eform. In the event that you do not have the information needed in order to evaluate the student’s request, you can either:
Reject the request and provide the student a clear reason, such as “You have not yet met with me to discuss your situation. Please come to advising to discuss, and resubmit your request following our advising appointment if appropriate.”
OR -
Contact the student for the additional information you require, and accept the request only once you have the information needed to proceed.
A student sent their request to Advisor A, who is out on vacation! How can we get the request email sent to Advisor B instead?
If the student needs to edit the academic advisor email to which their request should be routed, they should access the online request form again (using the same link as they initially used to begin the form). They will be able to edit their request, including the academic advisor email address, and resubmit the request.
Questions and Issues / Contact Us
If you have questions or feedback regarding BIO online request forms or experience an issue regarding a BIO online request form, please contact Berkeley International Office at or 510-642-2818.