iStart 101 for International Students

iStart 101 for International Students

This online course, designed by Berkeley International Office (BIO), presents information to help international students be aware of essential resources and responsibilities at UC Berkeley. The iStart 101 course is intended for international graduate students as well as any international student pursuing a change in nonimmigrant status.

Welcome to bCourses!

The iStart 101 course is built on Berkeley's official campus learning management system (LMS) called "bCourses." Many departments at UC Berkeley use bCourses; iStart 101 will introduce you to this tool and help you become familiar with its features. (Note: bCourses is built by a company called Canvas. You will see references to Canvas for technical support and other reasons).

  • Use bCourses on your mobile phone! Download the Canvas app to keep up with your courses while you are on the go.
  • See the bCourses "Students Getting Started" page to learn more.

How to Join the iStart 101 Course

To access the iStart 101 course, students must receive an email invitation. After receiving your invitation, you can access all your bCourses at or from your CalCentral dashboard, under "My Classes."


If you have any problems accepting the email invitation or accessing the bCourses site, please email