Program Transfers

If you are offered a long-term honorary or paid position at another institution, you likely will be required to apply for a transfer of your program sponsorship to that institution. If your new sponsor does not have a J-1 program, you will have to change to another appropriate immigration status.

If you are considering transferring to another program or U.S. academic institution, consult with an Advisor in Berkeley International Office at least two months before you wish to transfer. In some cases the process may take longer than two months, so it's best to consult and Advisor at Berkeley International Office as soon as you are aware of your plans to transfer to another institution.

For questions about J-1 program transfers, please email sends e-mail)

If your current sponsor is not UC Berkeley, you must contact your sponsor (Fulbright, NSF, IREX, etc.) regarding your eligibility to transfer and the process.