International Graduate Student Dissertation and Thesis Filing Requirements
International graduate students who file their dissertation or thesis in the Fall or Spring semesters satisfy the final semester registration requirement by enrolling in full-time units or using Filing Fee. Students requiring reduced enrollment during their final semester in Fall or Spring should submit a Reduced Course Load for Final Semester Form to BIO. Students should check with their department adviser and Graduate Division to determine their eligiblity for Filing Fee. To comply with Department of Homeland Security reporting requirements, the earliest completion date students may use is 7 days after the filing fee deadline. The latest completion date a student may use for I-20 purposes while on Filing Fee is the final day of the semester.
International students planning to use Filing Fee must meet with a BIO adviser during Drop-In Advising Hours.
Graduate students may also file their dissertation or thesis during the Summer Session. Please review the Graduate Divisions's policies regarding Summer degree conferrals and Filing Fee for updated information regarding Summer dissertation and thesis filing.
International students in F-1 or J-1 status filing their thesis or dissertation in the Summer should consult a Berkeley International Office adviser regarding final term enrollment requirements for visa purposes.